I am getting error messages while adding the address for shipping

I am getting error messages while adding the address for shipping

If you receive the error message "The address you entered is invalid, and cannot be used for shipping products," it means our internal systems have determined that the entered address is not valid for shipping. Follow the steps below to resolve this issue:

  1. Cross-Check Address Details:

    • Verify that the country, pincode, city, and state you entered are correct.
    • If any details are incorrect, update them and click on "Add Address" again.
  2. Clear and Re-enter Address:

    • If the above step does not resolve the issue, clear the "Address 1" field.
    • Start typing your address again.

  3. Select Suggested Address:

    • Select the correct address from the suggested addresses that appear as you type.

    • This should auto-fill the other address details. 
    • Confirm the details and click on "Add Address."
  4. If the problem persists and you see the error message on top of the screen, follow these steps:

    1. This error commonly occurs when the landmark, pincode, town, and city do not match with our system.
    2. Ensure that the landmark, pincode, town, and city are entered correctly.
    3. If the landmark or pincode is incorrect, update them accordingly. Double-check the town and city entries for accuracy.
    4. After making the necessary corrections, try adding the address again.

Following these steps should fix your address-related issues.

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