Listing your Products in the Marketplace

Listing your Products in the Marketplace

Listing is where you add your product details and make it available for buyers.

  1. Log In

    • Access the Galileo Marketplace by logging in at using your credentials.
    • Access the Product Listing Section
      • From the dashboard, click on the "Product Management" section in the left panel.
      • Select "Add New" to begin the listing process.

  2. Fill in the Basic Product Details:

    • Product Name: Enter a clear and descriptive name for your product.
    • Short Description: Provide a brief overview of your product. Use styling options like bold, italics, or bullet points to make your description more readable and engaging.

    • Long Description (Optional): Provide an in-depth description of your product, including detailed specifications, benefits, usage instructions, and any unique features that set it apart. This section is optional but can help answer potential customer questions and improve your product’s visibility in search results. Click on the dropdown to expand it.

  3. Choose the Product Category:

    • Select the most appropriate category for your product from the drop-down menu. If your product fits into multiple categories, choose the one that best represents its primary use. This will help customers find your product more easily when browsing the marketplace.

  4. Add Product Tags:

    • In the "Tags" section, add relevant keywords that customers might use to search for your product. These tags help increase your product’s visibility in the search results.
    • Type in the Tags field and hit enter to save them.

  5. General Section

    In this section, you will provide essential price details for your product.

    1. Regular Price:
      • In the "Regular Price" field, enter the standard price at which you intend to sell the product. This is the base price that will be displayed to customers if there are no discounts or promotions applied. Make sure this price reflects the value of the product and is competitive in the marketplace.
    2. Sale Price (Optional):
      • If you want to offer a discount, enter a reduced price in the "Sale Price" field. The sale price is the special promotional price at which the product will be available to pur.
      • When you enter a sale price, it will automatically display alongside the regular price, showing customers the savings they will receive.
  6. Media Section: Uploading Images, Videos, and 3D Models

    Next, navigate to the Media section to upload all the media files associated with your product. This includes images, videos, and optional 3D models that help showcase your product to potential customers.

    1. Upload Images:
      • Click on the "Upload" button to select and upload multiple images of your product. Ensure the images are high-quality and show the product from various angles to provide customers with a comprehensive view.
      • The image marked with a star will be set as the primary image. It is important to select a clear front-view image as the primary image to ensure better presentation and make a strong first impression.

    2. Add Videos (Optional):
      • You can also upload a product video by clicking on the "Upload Video" option. A video can be a great way to demonstrate the product in action, showcase its features, and provide customers with additional context.
    3. Include 3D Models (Optional):
      • If available, you may upload 3D models of your product to give customers a more interactive experience. This option is particularly useful for products that benefit from a detailed view or require more visualization.
  7. Inventory Section: Managing Your Product Stock

    Now, let's navigate to the Inventory section, where you can effectively manage the stock levels of your products.

    1. Units:
      • In the "Units" field, enter the total number of items you currently have available for sale.
      • It's important to keep this number accurate and up to date. You can update the stock quantity at any time to reflect changes in your inventory, such as when items are sold, restocked, or returned.

  8. Shipping Section: Configuring Shipping Options for Your Product

    Now, it's time to configure the shipping options in the Shipping section. Galileo Marketplace supports multiple shipping methods to provide flexibility for both sellers and buyers.

    1. Choose a Shipping Method:
      • The marketplace offers several shipping options, including:

        • Flat Rate Shipping:
          • Enter a fixed shipping cost for a single item in the "Flat Rate Shipping" field.
          • If you do not want to charge extra shipping for orders with multiple items, Select the check box to offer combined shipping at no additional cost.

        • Free Shipping: Select this option if you wish to offer free shipping to customers. No shipping cost will be charged, which can be an attractive incentive for potential buyers.
        • Carrier-Calculated Shipping (currently in beta): This option allows you to charge shipping based on the actual carrier rates.

          • If you choose this method, enter the product's weight, length, width, and height.
          • You can also specify a shipping cost adjustment percentage (typically between 10% and 15%) to account for variations in shipping costs. This adjusted amount will be collected from the buyer, helping to protect sellers from fluctuations in shipping prices.
          • Fallback Options:
            • If Calculation Fails: Since the carrier-calculated shipping engine is currently in beta, there may be instances where it fails to estimate shipping costs accurately. If this happens, you have two options:
              • Prevent Purchase: Select this option to prevent the buyer from completing the purchase if the shipping price cannot be calculated. This can help avoid confusion or disputes regarding unexpected shipping costs.
              • Allow Purchase with Flat Rate: Alternatively, you can allow the purchase to proceed with a pre-set flat rate shipping cost. This option ensures that customers can still complete their purchase even if there is an issue with the shipping calculation.

          • Warehouse Information:
            • Select a Warehouse: For the carrier-calculated shipping to function properly, you must specify the warehouse from which the product will be shipped. This ensures that the shipping cost is calculated accurately based on the origin address.

            • In case if u have not added the warehouse address you can visit our Setup warehouse addresses for shipping help article to complete this step. 
            • Make sure that you have saved your progress by clicking on top right save button before you leave this page.
  9. Properties Section: Providing Additional Product Details

    The Properties section allows you to add specific details about your product that help buyers understand its features and characteristics better. These properties are displayed in the "Properties" section of the Product Details page, providing key information that can influence buying decisions.

    1. Adding Properties:
      • To add a property, click on the "Add" button. You can choose from various property types, such as:

        • Text: Use this option for properties that are best described with words.
        • Number: Select this option for numerical properties.
        • Date: Use this option for date-specific properties.
      • Click on "Add" and set of input fields will appear where you can enter the property name and its corresponding value. You can add multiple properties to provide a comprehensive overview of your product, by clicking on the "Add" button.

    2. Attaching Proof Documents:
      • After adding your properties, you have the option to attach proof for each one. For example, if your product is a ring and is "18k gold plated," you can attach a certificate or any relevant documentation to validate this claim.
      • To attach a proof document, click on the "Attach Proof" or upload icon next to the relevant property. Upload the file that serves as proof, such as a certificate, test report, or authenticity document.

      • Once uploaded, the proof will be displayed alongside your property details, enhancing the credibility of your listing and providing customers with the assurance they need to make informed purchasing decisions.
  10. Authenticity Files Section: Uploading Proof of Authenticity

    Proceed to the Authenticity Files section to upload documents that provide proof of authenticity for your product. This section allows you to offer official documentation that verifies the authenticity and value of your items, building trust with potential buyers.

    1. Uploading Authenticity Documents:
      • To upload an authenticity document, click on the "Add Authenticity Files" button in the Authenticity Files section. This will open up a modal.

      • Enter a Name for the File to clearly describe the document you are uploading (e.g., "18k Gold Plating Certificate" or "Official Product Authenticity Certificate").

      • Select the file to upload from your computer. Accepted file formats may include PDFs, images, or other document types that provide evidence of your product's authenticity.
  11. Once you've made your updates, you can save your changes by clicking the Save button.

  12. If you need to make further adjustments, click the Edit button to continue editing the details.

  13. If you're satisfied with the updates and ready to proceed, you can list the item by selecting the List for sale button.

  14. If you would like to review the item before listing it, click on the product. This will display a preview of the item so you can ensure everything looks just right before making it live.

  15. On successful listing, you will get a success notification and you will be able to view your product in the "Listed items" section.

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