Setting up warehouse address for shipping

Setting up warehouse address for shipping

Setting up your warehouse address is an important step before you start using Carrier Calculated Shipping (CCS). During product listing, sellers can select one of these warehouse addresses to let CCS know the origin address of the parcel. Follow the steps below to set this up:

  1. Login to Your Seller Account:

  2. Access Warehouse Address Settings:

    • On the top right corner, click the gear icon to view more options.
    • Click on "Add Warehouse Address."
  3. Add a New Warehouse Address:

    • You will be taken to the "Warehouse Addresses" section. Click on "Add Address" to open a modal for adding a new address.

  4. Enter Address Details:

    • Tag: Use this to identify the address (e.g., Main Warehouse, Secondary Warehouse).
    • Full Name: Enter your full name.
    • Mobile Number: This will be used only to assist delivery.
    • Flat, House No., Building, Company Apartment: Enter the specific details of your address.
    • Address 1: Start typing your address here. Our suggestion manager will provide suggestions, which you can choose from to auto-fill the other fields.

    • Landmark: Add an optional landmark for further accuracy.
  5. Set as Default Address (Optional):

    • You can make this your default address by checking the "Make this default address" checkbox. This will ensure it gets selected automatically whenever you are listing your products.

  6. Complete the Operation:

    • Click on "Add Address" to complete the operation.


If you face any issues while adding the address, refer to the I am getting error messages while adding the address for shipping article, which will help you troubleshoot common problems.

By following these steps, you can efficiently set up your warehouse address for CCS, ensuring smooth and accurate shipping calculations for your products.

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